You can search our database to find information about burials and cremations at Allambie Park Cemetery or Albany Memorial Park Cemetery.
Our Allambie Park Cemetery database contains the name, application number, age, date of death location of every burial and cremation. Similar data exists for the Memorial Park Cemetery, however due to the age of the cemetery some records may be missing information. In addition to searching our database, burial records for the Memorial Park Cemetery can be obtained, for a fee, from the Albany Regional Family History Society.
You can search by entering just the surname, or you can type in the surname and first name or initial of the record you are looking for. ie. Typing Smith in the surname field will bring up all records with the surname Smith. Add J to the second field and you will get all records with the surname Smith where the first given name begins with the letter J. Enter John instead of just J, and you will get all records with the surname Smith, where the first given name is John.
Have you noticed an error in our records. If so, we would appreciate if you could please let us know through our contact form, providing us with as much detail as possible.
The Administrator
Albany Cemetery Board
Allambie Park Cemetery